Election of new committee officers on 4th September 2017
Chairperson: Nicky Blanning
Secretary: Anne Campbell
Treasurer: Nicky Maughan (with Alex Buxton as a second signature)
Membership/Website: Geoff Jones
Press Communications/Publicity: Becky Allen and Alex Buxton
Othe committee members are:
Mary Latham*, David Wells, Richard Folley, Francis Jeans, Will Hudson, Ben Pridgeon, Anie Morgan James, James Murray-White, Caroline Lewis*, Rosie Tween*
I am keen to create a new Committee for the Friends to assist our communication with
a) ourselves
b) Better
c) the City Council
d)to determine the use of any funds that have been raised.
If you would be interested in joining a new Committee, please email back to nb200@cam.ac.uk
The date proposed for an initial meeting is WEDNESDAY 23 AUGUST 2017 6.00PM AT THE BOATHOUSE PUB, Chesterton Road.
If you are interested but unable to attend on that date, please let me know.
Thank you all.
It is with deep sadness that we announce the loss of a valued ‘regular’. Kevan suffered a massive heart attack at home from which he tragically didn’t recover.
The details of his funeral, wake and a memorial swim follow. from his wife Michelle
From his wife Michelle
Dear All,
The funeral and wake have now been arranged for this Friday at 3:15pm. Please see details, and forward to any who need it.
Please note there will not be enough seats for everyone at the Lodge for the service, but the staff will be opening the bi-fold doors at the back, so if you’re up for standing – please do.
Love to all,
Kevan Heydon 1967 – 2017 Funeral: Friday 30th June 2017
Service: 3:15 pm at The Lodge , Arbory Trust’s Barton Glebe Woodland Burial Ground, Barton, Cambridge Family flowers only, donations to be made in Kevan’s memory to Friends of Jesus Green Pool (see below, or send to me).
Attire: Wear whatever you feel most comfortable in. Kevan’s preference was casual, and he’d hate to think he was making his family & friends wear a suit and black!
Burial: 3:45 pm at the Graveside (family only) The Arbory Trust’s Barton Glebe Woodland Burial Ground, Barton, Cambridge
Travelling details: The Burial Ground is located on Comberton Road, Barton (the B1046) between the villages of Barton and Comberton. For those of you with GPS systems, Barton Glebe does not have postal facilities, and therefore no official post code, but the closest one in operation is CB23 7BN. The co-ordinates are N52.18649 o , E0.04616 o . Otherwise, the map should guide you successfully to Barton Glebe. The M11 Junction 12 is the closest Motorway junction.
Wake: 5:00 pm til late, at our home, 5 Bandon Rd, Girton Cambridge CB3 0LU We will be providing a BBQ to send Kevan off in style, with 3 firkins of ale from Milton Brewery. So many friends have asked how they can help, and so here is the way! We would love to receive either a cake for the dessert table (that doesn’t need a fridge), a salad or wine/lager if ale doesn’t appeal 🙂 Parking @ Bandon Rd Our neighbours further down the street, at 17 Bandon Road have a construction site next door, and they have offered the site from 5pm for parking, which should take 20-30 cars. Do try and car share if possible, otherwise – it will be pot luck on the street.
Please use these links above to upload photo’s and anecdotes of happy/funny memories you have of Kevan, and this will be curated and made into a book for the family to enjoy and reminisce later on. There will also be an opportunity to add new anecdotes at the wake, as the stories get longer!
Memorial Swim, There will also be a memorial swim for Kevan at Jesus Green pool on Sunday 2nd July, – gates opening early for us at 10:30 am. Do come along and enjoy the solitude of a swim before the public start arriving!
Donations in memory of Kevan
Donations to be made in Kevan’s memory to the pool he loved. We are hoping to raise enough to provide a quick access card swipe system for Members with season tickets, enabling them to get in quickly for lunchtime swims when the queues are long.
Friends of Jesus Green Swimming Pool,
Barclays Chesterton Road Cambridge
Sort code 20-17-35 Account no 43103676
Let me know if you need further details. Michelle, Abi, Nic & Jon. michelle@heydon.org 01223 276425 07773 427303
Today saw the arrival at the pool of swimming hats, t-shirts and postcards all sporting the new Jesus Green Logo designed by the local illustrator & artist C.G. Michaels.
The swimming hats are available in three colours bright green, blue & white all with the logo. They are priced at £7.50
The author sporting the all new T-Shirt & Hat
The T-Shirts are white with the logo embroidered on and come in 5 sizes Extra Large, Large, Medium, Small and Extra small. They are priced at £8.90
Jesus Green postcard collection
There are three postcards one with a photo of the pool taken by Helen Dwyer last week, a historical one taken of the long defunct wooden high diving boards in the twenties and one with just the logo on the front. These are priced at 80p each.
In other news, the pool is now at 19 degrees with every likelihood it will be in the twenties over the upcoming bank holiday weekend. Be prepared to queue or arrive early 🙂
Friends of Jesus Green Swimming Pool – Pre Season Meeting
Tuesday 14th March 2017
Sir Jack Hobbs Room – Hobbs Pavilion
Note Taker:
Julie Durrant
Ian Ross, Julie Durrant, Daryl Emes, Shirley Oliver
Nicola Kerrison, Lucy Hines, Becky Allen, Nicky Blanning, Paul Mylrea, Charles Geach, Caroline Lewis, Katherine Hodson, David Carpenter, Christopher Thorpe, Victoria Bursa
Anne Campbell, Francis Jeans, Emma Bateman, Richard Folley, Colin Stewart, Owen Spencer-Thomas, Jenny Simmons, Richard Murrant
Agenda Items:
Arrival & Refreshment
Personnel in place for 2017 season
Female and Male shower/toilet blocks – Everyday issues & refurbishment
Suggested change of early morning swim days
Leaf & general cleanliness
Basket room attendant
Café – opening times & retail items
Planned events
Notes / Actions
Shirley Oliver to be General Manager of Jesus Green for this season with
Sam & Helen from last year being Duty Managers again
Opening date is Saturday 13th May until 24th September
Pre-opening for Friends and regulars on Friday 12th May
Basket room will remain the same but Better,
Suggestion of volunteers for this role and others in exchange for time credit scheme.
Change of early morning swims was discussed and agreed due to the pump out facilities being at its worst on Mondays, Early morning swims will be Tuesday 7am, Wednesday 6.30am & Fridays 7am.
JD advised that Friends that were unable to make the meeting wanted to raise if there was scope for 5 early morning openings but unfortunately this is not possible. There was also a suggestion of early opening for season ticket holders but again this is not possible.
DE explained the fast track kiosk is still being looked into but costs may be prohibitive.
A suggestion was made to simplify the pricing display board.
Toilets and shower are to have a refresh
Suggestion was made for a hand rail on the opposite side to the showers in the ladies as this area can get slippery.
Hot water in the men’s showers was mentioned and the temperature to be monitored.
The timing of the ladies showers to be looked at as they only come on for around 10 seconds and need to be constantly pressed.
The café will be open regardless of the weather at the following times below outside of these times there will be vending machines and a hot drinks machine.
Trees and bushes were raised and CCC will try and arrange for these to be pruned. An area to be cut back which could be used as a viewing window for potential new customers.
Becky confirmed that she will be organising the Swim in the Cam again this year.
We would like to hold a pre-season meeting on Tuesday 14th March 2017 from 6.30pm to 8 pm to discuss the 2017 season.
The meeting will take place in Hobbs Pavilion on Parkers Piece (I have booked and double checked booking the room).
Proposed Agenda
Attendees: Ian Ross, Julie Durrant, Daryl Emes, Shirley Oliver
Arrival & Refreshment
Personnel in place for 2017 season
Female and Male shower/toilet blocks – Everyday issues & refurbishment
Suggested change of early morning swim days
Leaf & general cleanliness
Basket room attendant
Café – opening times & retail items
Planned events
If you could ask people to let me know if they wish to attend that would be great so that I can keep track of numbers (julie.durrant@cambridge.gov.uk). I am also happy if anyone is unable to attend but would like to raise any items that they forward them to me in order for them to be included.
Kind regards
Julie Durrant – Recreation Technical Officer, Cambridge City Council (01223 458644
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