Category Archives: News

Dunwich Trip – Sunday 11th October

2015 Dunwich Trip poster

2015 Dunwich Trip poster

The trip to Dunwich will be on Sunday October 11th.  Our day will follow the usual pattern.  Make your own way to Dunwich beach to meet at about 11am – coffee at the beach café –  swim in the sea together – fish and chip lunch at the café – beach walk to Dunwich Heath – tea and cake at the National Trust café – return walk – depart about 4pm.  Feel free to join for any or all of the above.

(The beach café at Dunwich – Flora Tearooms, IP17 3EN)


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Jesus Green Pool sauna finally gets switched on.

barrel sauna

Jesus Green Pool sauna

With 38 days left in the current season, today marked the  inauguration of the sauna, proudly standing where the original cafe once stood. Today was a day of free entry. The sauna is now enclosed in it’s own area with wooden palings and has it’s own little gate.

Better have decided to charge, swimming season ticket holders an extra £2 for a twenty minute session identified with a rubber band, it’s unclear to me how will this will work in practice, unless a ‘lifeguard’ gets stationed at the picket fence. Day swimmers can get a swim+sauna ticket for £6.50 or maybe it’s going to be £6.80 🙂

It’s an interesting idea, time will tell if it gets used, it’s already been vandalised once by the night raiders so doesn’t bode to well 🙁



A very sad green Jesus Green Pool

Timehop now and a year ago The pool is currently suffering terribly due to the breakdown of its filtration pumps (now fixed apparently) after a very busy sunny weekend.

Today Better roped of the deep centre portion leaving two 40 yard sections at each end. The deep water was so cloudy they couldn’t see their test manequin on the pool bottom 🙁

You can see the difference in my comparison picture from a year ago. Tomorrow Friday 24th July it might be best to call them 01223 302579 to check the situation before going.

The pool is also suffering it’s annual problems with the hot showers. This year its the turn of the ladies to have a cold one!

Maybe instead of installing a sauna, which apparently should be operational ‘soon’ the money could have been better spent on refurbishing the showers and pump room!


A reader writes:

I’ve just got out of Letchworth pool and they’re having a similar problem – green bottom….



Sing & Swim Saturday 4th July

Summer time and the living is easy! .. and the pool water  is LOVELY (22 degrees, so come along and   COOL DOWN  after a hot day and ENJOY!

1-IMG_4139Come on down to Jesus Green Swimming Pool this Saturday 4 July between 6pm and 8.30pm for a mellow summer evening of music, community song, swimming and picnicking at the 11th annual Talking in Tune Sing and Swim for Water Aid, one of the highlights of the Cambridge Summer Social Calendar! Bring your kids, grannies, pals and come and hang out for a couple of hours in the finest lidos of the land. The weather forecast is for golden evening sunshine after a hot day.


We have a great evening line up for you.

Musicians include the Andy Bowie Jazz Trio, Tom Ling, Ranjan Vasudevan  and Pete Towers with his amazing sink guitar who will all  play summer music to us as we swim and picnic. (Swimming to live music is an experience not to be missed!) Singers from  ReSound and Good Vibrations Choir, Global Harmony Community Singers, Milton Road Primary School and Shout Aloud  will sing poolside and the evening will end with a poolside community singalong of Summer and Watery songs with backing band, with lyric sheets provided.

Tickets cost £7, (£5 concessions for people on a low income, £3 for school age children) at the door, or phone 01223 573288, email to beat the queue.

Bring along your picnics (no glass bottles please), swimming kits, rugs and blankets; Yummy Home-made cakes and snacks will be on sale  for WaterAid .  The pool cafe will also be open. Inflatable crocodiles, whales and dolphins etc   are welcome and synchronised swimming and singing will be encouraged!

Please note: the pool will close for public swimming at 5.30pm on the day.  If you are already there, and wish to stay sitting poolside (the pool itself will be swimmer-free for half an hour to give the staff a break) , you are welcome to do that – we will come and sell you tickets !

Access to clean water is something we take for granted here and this is a chance to acknowledge this and celebrate the fantastic atmosphere of Jesus Green  Pool. All the musicians are playing for free and, all the proceeds will be donated to fund Water Aid, providing access to clean water to families and communities in Ghana and


Pre-opening party & swim

Once again Better invited us to a pre-opening party & swim with the staff & we regulars. If you want to be invited to these specials then please sign up to our email list in the side column. No charges or spam involved.

Pool & shower temperatures from my data logger

Pool & shower temperatures from my data logger

The pool was at a balmy 15 degrees, the  same temperature as the outside. I managed 4 lengths but some folks did 10+ lengths in regular swim gear, although a few were wearing shortie wetsuits.  The men’s showers were suffering the same problems as last year with water alternating between hot (24 deg) and cold. But with free coffee & panini slices from the cafe (who interestingly now have the franchise at Parkside) plus a beaker of bubbly 🙂 we  enjoyed ourselves. The drizzle  & cold  kept the numbers down to 20 or so.

The  new season looks promising with heaters promised for the new wet day refuge and a sauna later in the season.  A slight warning the new paint has made the pool bottom slippery so be ready for a splash 🙂

The official opening is tomorrow, Sat 9th May at 10am, let’s hope the sun comes out. It’s free for the day…


2015 Pre-Season dip

Better are once again organising a pre-opening dip on Friday 8th May between 5pm and 7pm to which all regular swimmers are invited.

For the 92nd Season Jesus Green Lido will be opening on Saturday 9th May at 10am with FREE Swimming from 10am until 6pm on the first day for all participants.

Jesus Green Pool filling starts

Jesus Green Pool filling starts

Better have started to fill the pool this morning so, hopefully, by this weekend the pool will be full, giving it a full week to bask in the sunshine & warm up 🙂



Good News for the 2015 season

I did an inspection of the pool today 🙂 The painting is going well and they are hoping to fill the pool towards the end of next week.

2-IMG_2639Even better news is that Better have now installed the missing set of steps, as suggested by myself, at the Mens shallow end 🙂 although the slats are missing they hope to complete by the opening.


1-IMG_2637Even better  is that Better have now created Christopher’s idea of a wet weather shelter by reversing a few of the changing cubicles. They have chosen a few of the ladies ones adjacent to the vending machines, which I guess will quickly fill up with kids on the warmer days. Although usually when it is cold & wet only us regulars are there 🙂

So yep Better listen and even better they ACT..

Also it looks like the 3 pool idea, cafe outdoor gym and sauna may also happen in years to come. If cash can be found…


Jesus Green Pool – An Evening of ideas.

On 22nd January this year I attended with about 25 others An Evening of Ideas for Jesus Green Pool organised by Better & The Council at the Wesley Church.

Proposals were handed out all with the theme of dividing the existing 100 yard pool into three. Giving a 50 metre unheated pool, a 25 metre pool (could be heated?) and a kids 10 metre wet area (fountains, pool etc.) Other ideas floated were moving the entrance  to the lock keepers end with maybe an integrated cafe / fitness area. Other ideas were a sauna etc etc.

I think the council were pleasantly surprised by the lack of hostility to the proposals although, obviously, there were many concerns. Especially of fixing existing maintenance issues! eg showers, smells etc

Here are the plans handed out at the evening:-

Jesus Green Pool - Current

Jesus Green Pool – Current

Jesus Green Pool - 3 pool proposal

Jesus Green Pool – 3 pool proposal
